Property investment

A well-balanced investment portfolio can include property investments

Investing in property can offer potential benefits and advantages, depending on your financial goals and circumstances.


There are various routes to property investment, from bricks and mortar to property shares

Including exposure to property in your investment portfolio can be reached in a number of ways.

Investing in ‘bricks and mortar’ through buying property can give you a regular income stream as well as capital growth over the medium to long term. But this type of investment is relatively ‘illiquid’, meaning you can’t always easily access your money at short notice. And the risks include market volatility, maintenance costs, and potential vacancies.

Another way to invest in property is to include Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) in your portfolio. These offer exposure to the property market without direct ownership.


How to include property in your portfolio depends on your goals. We can help you decide

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

REITs allow you to invest in property without owning physical assets. They provide exposure to real estate markets and offer dividends from rental income and capital gains.

Buy-to-let investment properties

This involves purchasing a property with the intention of renting it out to tenants. Rental income can provide a steady cash flow, and property values may appreciate over time.


Speak to one of our property investment or credit specialists

We can help you tailor your investment strategy to align with your financial goals and provide expert advice before you commit to any property investment.

Before you make decisions on how to bring property into your portfolio, you should review your overall financial goals, with a bespoke wealth plan.

  • Investment advice

    Ask your private banker to bring one of our investment specialists into your next meeting. They can talk to you about property exposure in your portfolio.

  • Credit advice

    Our credit specialists can give you information about ‘bricks and mortar’ property markets and lending products available to suit your needs.

  • Start with a plan

    The foundation of reaching your financial goals is a wealth plan. Speak to your private banker if you don’t have one.


Potential for attractive returns


Property investing offers many potential opportunities for generating attractive returns. These include the potential for capital appreciation and rental income, diversification in our portfolio, tangible assets, gearing opportunities, inflation protection, passive income, and long-term wealth building. However, it involves risks like market volatility and property management. Careful research and expert advice are vital.


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