A wide range of investment options

Whether your financial affairs are UK based or extend internationally, whether you are making your first investment for your own future, or investing for the generations to come, and whether you need capital growth or income, we can help you reach your wealth goals.


We start by taking time to understand your life circumstances and financial goals

Your portfolio is actively managed by our team of investment professionals. Or, if you prefer to make your own investment decisions, our execution-only service is available.

By appointing us as your investment manager, you have the benefit of:

  • A portfolio matching your risk appetite, determined by your personal preferences and goals
  • Access to a specialist team of advisers that seek out the best global opportunities for you
  • A wide range of investment strategies from a global universe of investment opportunities, with no home bias
  • Diversification across asset classes, companies, geographies and industry sectors
  • Active currency management that allows the investments to be truly global


We make considered decisions on your behalf,
with a focus on minimising risks

Guided by principles

Our core investment principles are constantly taken into account in our investment discussions and, ultimately, in the way we manage client portfolios and the investment decisions that we make

Our five core principles

  1. Asset allocation is an important driver of returns. We actively allocate between five major asset classes: cash, bonds, property, equities, and alternative investments, adding shorter-term tactical ‘tilts’ within your investment portfolio.
  2. Diversification can reduce risk by combining a range of assets with different risk and return characteristics.
  3. Risk needs to be properly understood and managed.
  4. Investment is for the long term.
  5. It is crucial to manage costs.

We offer access to interesting global investment opportunities

Studies indicate that using an investment manager to remove emotions could save the average investor 2% per annum. This loss rate represents poor decisions made from fear or greed, instead of data and facts. Removing emotion is essential, and our investment team has processes designed to do just that.

  • Global investing

    Our approach is global, multi-asset and multi-manager, with no home bias. Primarily fund-based, but with some direct investments, it allows us access to the best research talent in the world.

  • Active currency management

    We manage currency exposures separately, so we can choose investment assets from the global universe regardless of the base currency, while managing currency risk.

  • Distinct alternative investments

    Our boutique size means we can tap into opportunities and explore themes not usually viable for larger managers.


We have six strategies available in three currencies with Responsible or Sustainable options


Our aim is to provide returns that are within your risk tolerance and designed to meet your long-term investment goals. All strategies have multiple models to reflect investor tax preferences. Our global exposure, with managed currency overlay, reflects our more progressive approach to strategic asset allocation than the typical industry approach, which remains UK biased.

Global multi-asset
The strategies include global cautious, global balanced, global steady growth, and global growth.

Global equity
Our global equity investment strategy is designed for clients that are looking for pure equity exposure, while taking advantage of the strength of our investment research capabilities and risk management framework.

Global income
Our global income investment strategy aims to generate an income, together with low volatility. With this strategy, you can choose to receive a regular income stream or reinvest your returns.



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(10am - 05 pm)

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