Execution only investment

Managing your own investments

If you prefer to make your own investment decisions, our team can help. You decide what you want to invest in, and then instruct us on how much to invest and when.


The Focus investment dealing and custody service

Our experienced dealing team will execute your instructions for you and hold the assets in our custody on your behalf, until you ask us to sell them. You can view all your investments and cash in your account at any time.

Assets can be traded across any of the world’s major stock markets and can be held and reported through your Focus account.

Our execution-only service does not provide advice or help in selecting your investments, and we can’t talk to you about the suitability of your investment choices. If you would like investment advice, please ask about our managed investment service.


You choose your own investments – how much and when to invest

Execution-only service

You can trade shares across the world’s major stock markets via our dealing desk. Our expert dealing team is available from 8 am to 5 pm on weekdays (excluding UK bank holidays).

Secure custodian facility

Our custodian facility can be used together with our managed investment service. Your stocks and shares will be held on our Focus platform but protected by our nominee registration– keeping your assets separate from our own assets.

You can take advantage of comprehensive and integrated Focus account reporting with details of any purchases, sales, and corporate actions, with resulting profit or loss arising.


Available weekdays from 8am to 5pm (UK time)

You can instruct our dealing team to buy and sell shares. You can either specify a currency amount, or a number of shares. Once the transaction is complete, we will issue a contract note with all the details of the trade included.

  • Contract notes

    Contract notes – confirmations of the trades executed on your behalf – are available to view in your Online Wealth Services desktop or app.

  • Corporate events

    Details of any corporate events relating to the assets you hold are included in the Focus account trading statement.

  • Best execution

    We owe a duty of best execution when we deal on your behalf. This means we will always try to get the best possible result for you.


Who is the Focus investment dealing and custody service for?


Our execution-only and custody service is for clients who want to buy and sell stocks and shares and do not need any recommendations from us. You may already have a financial adviser who is recommending where you should invest, or you may feel confident in your own investment choices.

Our dealing team of qualified professionals will manage your orders, to provide speedy high-quality executions. You must be sure that you are comfortable with the risks before you decide to invest.

As always, the value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invested, or nothing at all. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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